首页 > 资料下载 > “煤炭转型:煤炭未来研究与对话”项目的历史案例研究An historical case study for the project “Coal Transitions: Research and Di
“煤炭转型:煤炭未来研究与对话”项目的历史案例研究An historical case study for the project “Coal Transitions: Research and Di “煤炭转型:煤炭未来研究与对话”项目的历史案例研究An historical case study for the project “Coal Transitions: Research and Di

“煤炭转型:煤炭未来研究与对话”项目的历史案例研究An historical case study for the project “Coal Transitions: Research and Di

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  • 更新时间:2021-09-16
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In this report we summarize the development of coal sector in Czech Republic since 1990 with a particular focus on the socio-economic impacts. First we present the key features of the Czech economy and the energy system; second the development of coal mining and lastly the governmental role in the downturn of the coal industry, including its support for renewable energy sources.
